Saturday, September 6, 2008

Nixed Technorati link off this blog


I added Technorati back in October 2007 because someone had the bright idea of connecting all Plone Conference 2007 with Technorati links. Seemed like a great idea! Since we already had a flickr tag for the event, why not Technorati?

Well, its been rather pointless.

If I search in Technorati for ploneconf2007 I get one post by the excellent Lennert Regebro. Where are the other posts? Where are my blog posts listed?

Other people question Technorati's design for this and similiar issues. Having done some work with social bookmarking recently for NASA, I can say that tying your blog to Technorati is a pain unless you use their special bloated size in-line HTML scripts.

So why waste my screen real estate on a system that doesn't care about me? At least with the google ads I can, in theory, make money. Not that it has happened yet...

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