Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Second Day in Italy


I’m in the center of Naples, off the Piazzo Bovia next to the Chamber of Commerce. So imagine my surprise when the sound of geese wakes me up on Monday morning. I showered, shaved, ran downstairs for breakfast.

Breakfast was coffee, yogurt, and the best croissant I’ve ever had. Cheap hotel food too, yet fuller and tastier than anything I’ve ever had from an American bakery. Reed, my coworker, bounced in and wolfed down his food just as our cab showed up.

The ride to Sciatta del Scienza (City of Science) was an interesting demonstration of the Napoli method of driving. We dashed through intersections, went blocks down the wrong side of the road, and had our humorous driver periodically make fun of his own city. He would point out a building mess and call it Sciatta del Garbage.

Just as we arrived at our destination we stumbled into Chris, another coworker. We caught up just a little as we wandered into our event.


The event started a little late and the wifi was shaky for a while. We learned some really interesting material. Best was how to write Zope test cases, using a mix of various Python test methods, including my favorite which is doctest. This is powerfully useful stuff!

Lunch was a pizza from a little café and a Coke Light.

The afternoon really solidified my understanding of geeky stuff about Five technology, which is an amalgram of Zope 2 and Zope 3, especially how it relates to the fun of Plone’s archetypes. It was really good stuff.


Evening Chris rode back with us, and then we went out to eat and socialize. We found a wonderful back street and explored it. We drank a couple bottles of wine at a bar, and taught the waiter about the American method of tipping. Dinner was at a cozy outside place with excellent fish dishes and great pasta. We ended up talking shop, politics, and making friends with some very amicable Poles. I tasted and enjoyed Amarone, which is really good wine.

It was late and sleep beckoned.

Things to get

I left my jacket on the hook at home. I spotted a nice jacket for 20 euro. I’ll pick it up tonight. I’m tired of being just a little too chilly.


Mom said...

Danny, I'm jealous. I want to be there with you. It sounds wonderful. Will you have time on the weekend for some day trips?

Recommendation: Include yourself, or even some friends, in more of the photos you take. It will keep the photos more interesting forever.

Love, Mom

pydanny said...

I'll have time for a day trip at the end.

As for getting people in pictures, its been busy during the day and at night I'm apprehensive about pickpockets. But I'll give it a try today.